e-Book Panduan Antiplagiarisme Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan​

e-Book Panduan Antiplagiarisme Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan

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The preparation of a thesis as part of the final project for undergraduate studies has undergone several changes, including adjustments to faculty policies. Nevertheless, theses must still adhere to scientific standards, be free of plagiarism, and align with the academic discipline of each study program. Undergraduate research tends to be exploratory or descriptive in nature, though highly capable students may conduct more advanced research.

In line with the vision of Universitas Jambi (UNJA) to become A World Class Entrepreneurship University in Agroindustry and Environment, the Faculty of Economics and Business has initiated an International Class Program, including in the Bachelor’s Program in Development Economics. To ensure the success of this program, optimal preparation is needed, such as instruction in English, the admission of international students, English-based learning materials, and comprehensive final project guidelines that meet international standards. These guidelines are designed based on university regulations and international accreditation requirements, such as HEEACT. With the implementation of these guidelines, the Development Economics Program is expected to contribute to realizing UNJA’s vision on a global scale.

(E-Book) Guidelines for Writing and Guidance of Thesis International Class Program